Dinner Table Resilience

Dinner Table Resilience is a mental health revolution project created by Sarah Johnson with the La Crosse Y and Better Together. Throughout this project, I collaborated with a team of eight via Zoom and Trello. I designed interactive supplemental materials to be used with videos, created a shirt and water bottle design, advertisements to promote the project to the community, and other interactive handouts and resources to be utilized in the community. In addition, I worked with Better Together to manage a webpage dedicated to the project including editing and adding content and page layout.

Tools Used:

  • Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
  • Canva
  • Trello
  • WordPress

Skills Sheets

I created 34 supplemental interactive materials that accompany videos created by Sarah Johnson. The sheets cover introductory skills, green light, yellow light, and red light skills relating to our mental health. I designed the page layout and graphics for the sheets. I followed the La Crosse Y brand colors and fonts when creating these cohesive materials.

Introductory Skills

Shirt Design

Steady Heads Tshirt design
Back of Shirt